Curated / Co-curated exhibitions include:

Nastja Säde Rönkkö: Survival Guide for a Post-Apocalyptic Child. HAM Helsinki Art Museum 2024 with Kati Kivinen

Something Strange is Afoot. HAM Helsinki Art Museum 2022 with Petronella Grönroos & Arttu Merimaa

Paweł Althamer: I (am). HAM Helsinki Art Museum 2019 with Pirkko Siitari & Sanna Tuulikangas

Me: Self-Portraits Through Time. Kunsthalle Helsinki 2017

Tom of Finland - The Pleasure of Play. “The Early Years” with Pirkko Siitari. Kunsthalle Helsinki 2016.

Niki de Saint Phalle. Kunsthalle Helsinki 2016 with Camille Morineau

Osmo Rauhala – The Book of Life. Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma 2012

Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller – The Murder of Crows. Kiasma 2012 with Pirkko Siitari

Thank You for the Music. Kiasma 2012 with Kati Kivinen & Arja Miller

Cream - Damien Hirst & his Contemporaries. Kiasma 2010 with Arja Miller

Denise Grünstein – Figure Out. Kiasma 2010

Olav Christopher Jenssen – Panorama. Kiasma 2010 with Arja Miller

Horror vacui - Markus Copper, Kimmo Schroderus, Jari Haanperä. Kiasma 2009 with Arja Miller

Part of the Curatorial team:

Helsinki Biennial 2021

ARS 11 Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma 2011

Fluid Street – Alone, Together. Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma 2008

Exhibition coordination / project managing e.g.:

Erkki Pirtola - Works on Paper. HAM Helsinki Art Museum 2023

Helsinki Biennial 2023. HAM Helsinki Art Museum

EGS - Writing My Diary. Kunsthalle Helsinki 2018

Julian Rosefeldt - Manifesto. Kunsthalle Helsinki 2017

Anu Pentik. Kunsthalle Helsinki 2017

Grönlund-Nisunen- Grey Area. Kunsthalle Helsinki 2017

Tom of Finland - The Pleasure of Play. Kunsthalle Helsinki 2016

Zabludowicz Collection. Kunsthalle Helsinki 2016

Jussi Heikkilä - Observationes. Kunsthalle Helsinki 2016

Pipilotti Rist - Elixir. Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma 2009

Julian Schnabel – The Conscious Gaze of Frightened Young Nuns. Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma 2008